Qualtrics Story - how to use experience management software in digital transformation?

Solutions related to use of experience management solutions.


Problem description

Widespread acceptance and use of experience management solutions in general, and XM Platform in particular, is critical to future growth and success of any business. Demand for experience management solutions in general, and Experiences Platform in particular, is affected by a number of factors. Some of these factors include:
  • awareness of the experience management category;
  • availability of products and solutions that compete;
  • ease of adoption and use;
  • features, performance and overall platform experience;
  • brand;
The experience management software category is subject to rapidly changing user demand and trends in preferences. Typical features of this XM software are:
  • CustomerXM –– decrease churn, increase engagement, and expand customer lifetime value, or LTV, by listening to customers across all channels and taking action on their feedback.
  • EmployeeXM –– drive retention, increase engagement, and improve productivity by continuously listening to employees and delivering better workplace experiences.
  • ProductXM –– design products people love, decrease time to market, and increase share of wallet by uncovering and acting on user needs, desires, and expectations.
  • BrandXM –– create a bedrock of loyal followers, acquire new customers, and increase market share by ensuring that your brand resonates at each critical touchpoint and attracts target buyers.
The success of any enhancement to customer experiences solutions depends on several factors, including timely completion and delivery, competitive pricing, adequate quality testing, integration with other technologies and XM Platform, and overall market acceptance.
  • Success also depends on ability to identify important and emerging use cases for customers and quickly develop new and effective solutions to address those use cases.
  • Offer a solution specifically tailored for either Product Experience or Brand Experience.
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